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Frequently Asked Questions

About Our Shop

We are currently working on the final design of The Sedona. We anticipate offering Pre-Orders in the summer of 2023.

As a local startup we will only be selling online and at pop-up shops across the valley at select events. We are working to get into more stores across the Valley so you have more options for shopping. We make announcements when we have inventory at local shops.

We do not currently have a store front, but our business is run out of Gilbert, Chandler and Tempe locations.

We started the design process by selecting the best materials like our Nylon
lenses and TR-90 Bio Resin frame. From there we took our time designing and
testing our sunglasses until we got every detail right.

We are not just the best because we selected the best materials and obsessively
designed our sunglasses for fit and function, but also because we can charge
half the price as other brands that offer similar materials.

You can't really compare us completely to other brands. We have a unique style and brand, as do our competitors. But its no secret that other brands use similar premium materials like a nylon-based lens and Bio-Based TR-90 frame material. And the brands using this similar combination of stellar materials charge anywhere between $155 to $249.

So how can we charge $80?

Well the answer is simple. There is a monopoly on the sunglass industry, and other brands charge whatever they want. One Italian company owns Oakley, Ray Bans, Costa, Persol and hundreds of other name brands. They own Sunglass Hut, LensCrafters, Target Optical and every brand in it. So they can charge whatever price they want and have been known to mark up products 1000% (According to wikipedia).

This is just another reason why you should consider supporting local businesses like Valley Rays. We only want the best for you. We love you. And we want you to live your life and have fun in style and with your eyes protected with premium sunglasses!

Business as a purpose means that the main priority of a business is not specifically profits but some other purpose. Our purpose is to help our local community starting with helping hungry kids through AZ Brainfood.

About the Tech

Nylon has the highest overall rating, scoring high in all categories-
clarity, impact resistance, and scratch resistance.

Trivex comes in second with a high score in clarity and
impact resistance but scoring low in scratch resistance.

Polycarbonate comes in third with a low score in clarity, a
great score in impact resistance but a ridiculously low score in scratch resistance.

Standard plastic (CR39) scores great in clarity and impact
resistance, but fails miserably in scratch resistance.

Glass scores great in clarity and scratch resistance but can
be very prone to shattering which is a risk we are not willing to take.

TAC lenses score great in clarity but are flimsy, easily
scratched and just an overall cheap lens.

TR90 is a Swiss engineered thermoplastic that is extremely durable, flexible, and lightweight. Sunglass frames made with TR90 are very light and comfortable. The material is also very flexible, so they can bend and flex to effortlessly fit your face. TR90 is also heat resistant, shatter resistant and impact resistant.

Our frames are made from a Bio Resin-TR90 blend. Which means that our base material is the TR90 thermoplastic as described in the previous FAQ, and retains all the physical properties. But common TR90 uses petroleum products and we do not. Our bio resin material uses a castor bean oil, eliminating the use of petroleum products.

Our Bio Resin does not use petroleum, or oil. Oil can be very bad for the environment from the process of drilling for to transporting it and the risk of oil spills.

We use a castor bean oil and not petroleum. Castor beans are a plant, so they are grown and thus provide oxygen to our breathing air. Since they are a plant, they are a natural source and pose no harm to the environment even if spilled into a stream.


Polarized lenses have long been touted as the better lens option. But are they actually better? Turns out it’s all personal preference.

Polarized lenses reduce glare. Glare is the reflected light off surfaces. Normal tinted lenses can also reduce glare, but not to the extent polarized lenses do. This reduction of glare is very noticeable, making it easier to see, which is why polarized lenses are often preferred. Polarized lenses can better reduce the glare reflected off water or roads and this can also reduce eye strain.

Non-polarized lenses also reduce glare, but not to the same extent.

Some downsides of polarized lenses are that they make it hard to read LCD screens, like on your phone. Also if you have ever worn polarized sunglasses you probably noticed that when you look through the tinted windows of your car you get the “rainbow effect” meaning any reflections look like a rainbow. This effect also distorts colors and can be magnified if you have a colored lens. For instance, if you look through your cars tinted windows with a brown polarized lens, the sky could appear brown.

Taking all of this into consideration, it’s up to you to decide if polarized lenses are better fr you.

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